Acne is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by skin eruptions around hair follicles. Also called acne vulgaris.
The three most important steps to prevent and treat acne are:
- Cleaning: morning and evening.
- Two. Exfoliation: 1 time a week if it is non-inflammatory acne. Every 15 days if the acne is inflammatory.
- Treatment: Depending on the type of acne and / or skin type.
- Skin rash or lesion on the face, chest, neck and / or back
- Comedones (whiteheads or blackheads)
- Pustules
- Cysts
- Papules
- Nodules nodules are bumps on the skin solid, raised more than 10 mm in diameter
- Redness (erythema) of the skin lesions or skin around a lesion
- Inflammation around the skin eruptions
- Crusting of skin eruptions
- Scarring of the skin
- Cysts
- Skin abscesses: accumulation of pus and infected material in or on the skin.
- Permant facial scars
- keloids
- Changes in skin color
- Psychological damage to self-esteem, confidence, personality and social life
Acne - Situations that require medical assistance
You must follow the treatment at home and call your doctor if there are signs of complications or if the acne is severe and progressively worsening.
Call your health care provider if you develop new symptoms, including cysts.
Basic causes of acne
1) Hormones: The production of androgens (one group of hormones that allows sexual changes at puberty) stimulates hair follicles, making the hair grow and sebaceous glands become larger.
2) Increased sebum production: Effect of hormonal stimulation, the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum. This leads to congestion within the follicle and subsequent entrapment of sebum.
3) Formation of "clogs": changes in the hair which also cause new cells replace others. These latter are accumulated in the output of the hair sebum also causing entrapment..
4 Bacteria: Basically one called propionilbacterium acnes, which normally lives on the skin, invades the trapped sebum, reproducing and causing inflammation.
Acne affects about 85% of young people. It usually begins between 12 and 14 because at that age there is an increased production of androgens or male sex hormones, which in turn stimulate the sebaceous gland to produce more runs of sebum. Moreover, it causes an obstruction of the channel or sebaceous duct and finally a superinfection of the accumulated sebum. This results in the appearance of the first lesions of acne that are open comedones or blackheads, and closed comedones, or white spots, and on which later developed papules or pustules.
Pimples, dilated pores, blackheads …? To treat, remove impurities, hydrate and care for acne-prone skin.
Cleaning:The first step is daily hygiene, morning and / or evening. Helps control excess oil and bacteria that aggravates acne-prone skin.
Scrub: An exfoliating once a week stimulates cell renewal, giving smoother skin, smooth, firm and without blemishes. Exfoliates the pores, removes dead cells and sebum retained.
Treatment: Each skin type is different, so sesderma provides a solution tailored to every skin type sebumregulating properties, bacteriostatic, keratolytic, comedolytic and soothing. It does not create bacterial resistance it is not photosensitizing and non-irritating.