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Brittle Nails and Onychomycosis

The nails annexes to the skin that reflect the functioning and health of the body. They belong to a group of protective tissue called appendages, composed essentially of keratin, a strong material which is very rich in protein and sulfur.

Its function is to protect the ends of the fingers and toes. It grows between 3 and 4 mm per month.

A healthy nail is smooth, shiny surface and pink, semi-transparent color.

Uñas sanas


Protein rich in sulfur. In vertebratesit makes up the core part of the outer layers of the epidermis and its derivatives, such as hair, nails, hooves, etc.


Principal parts of the nail:

  • Root or matrix : skin beneath the nail where it originates.
  • Lune: the end of the array, the visible part of the alive nail (crescent shaped).
  • Cuticle or eponychium: covering the matrix.
  • Nail plate : corneal structure is normally known as the nail, hard and translucent portion composed of keratin.
  • Nail bed: under the nail plate.
  • Hyponychium : distal edge.

Fragile and brittle nails

There are several factors that hold back the growth of nails and alter their structure:

  • Using cleaners and glazes.
  • Artificial nail placement.
  • Age.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Dehydration.
  • Small injuries.
  • Disease: anemia, renal, hepatic...


Onychomycosis is an infection of the nail caused by a fungus, which occurs more often in toenails than in the fingernails . This is a very common process affects between 2 and 18 % of the population . The fungi that cause onychomycosis thrive in warm, moist environments.


Symptoms in nails

  • Alteration of its structure is thickened, cracked and uneven edges.
  • Color changing: whitish or yellowish.
  • If no treatment is applied pathology worsens and may lose the nail.


  • Injuries.
  • Age.
  • Immunodeficiencies, diabetes, psoriasis.
  • Exposure to hot and humid environments : changing rooms, swimming pools, showers, saunas...
  • Tight fitting shoes, sports shoes.
  • Bad nail care.

It is produced by three types of fungi:

  • Dermatophytes, yeasts and non-dermatophyte molds.

Active Ingredients

-Lactoferrin: Glycoprotein that inhibits the growth of microorganisms, especially dermatophytes and yeasts.

-Piroctone olamida: Antinfungal and anti-inflammatory.

-Cetylpyridinium chloride: Antifungal. Inhibits bacterial metabolism.

-Liposome phospholipids: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and resurfacing properties.

-Biotin and Biocytin: United carboxylase stimulate nail growth and make them stronger.

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