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Vitiligo, also called Leukoderma, is a skin disease in which there is a loss of color (pigment) from certain areas which causes the appearance of irregular white spots. These are due to loss of melanocytes, the cells responsible for the pigmentation of the skin.



Although the ultimate cause is unknown, vitiligo occurs when immune cells destroy the melanocytes responsible for the production of melanin.

Affects 1 or 2 % of the world population. It affects both men and women at any age, although there is a higher prevalence in women and in the 10-30 year age range, but it can occur at any age. It is progressive and has an unpredictable course.

Vitiligo is associated with other autoimmune diseases:

  • Addison 's Disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Pernicious anemia

There are other hypotheses about the appearance of vitiligo:

  • Oxidative stress: by inactivation and even destruction of the melanocytes due to the formation and accumulation of free radicals.
  • Genetics: melanocytes are more vulnerable to extracellular attacks.
  • Neuronal: neurochemical mediator kills or inhibits the production of melanocytes.
  • Biochemistry: melanocytes are not destroyed, they are deactivated.
  • Nutrition.


Symptoms of vitiligo are very characteristic. White patches on the skin with normal skin texture. These spots are located anywhere on the body but usually are most noticeable on the hands, feet, arms, face or lips. Vitiligo is more noticeable in people with dark skin. Small dark spots appear occasionally in the lighter area.

Vitiligo skin characteristics

  • Keratinocytes have pro-inflammatory properties.
  • The epidermis has a low catalase activity.
  • Elevated oxidative stress.
  • Calcium deficiency.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid.


Usually using a Wood's lamp to examine the skin and confirm the diagnosis. An ultraviolet light that highlights areas of skin with less pigment.

To rule out other causes, a biopsy or blood tests can be used to check hormone levels and vitamin B12.

The main problem that caused by vitiligo is its psychological impact . Actually, it is not harmful to the health. However there is no definitive cure and usually get worse over time. Symptoms can improve if appropriate treatment is used.


It is difficult to treat, but improvements can be seen with these options:

Medical treatments

  • Creams containing steroids.
  • Oral drugs:
    • Based on the nutritional hypothesis (Lactoferrin-Lactoperoxidase System , placenta, vitamin B12 , folic acid, calcium).
    • Based on the oxidative stress hypothesis (Lactoferrin , Lactoperoxidase System , placenta , catalase -SOD system , vitamins A and C , PABA).
    • Based on the autoimmune hypothesis (Lactoferrin , Lactoperoxidase System , phenylalanine , placenta).
  • Combination of drugs and ultraviolet A (PUVA therapy).
  • Treatment with Ratok system: microphoto irradiation selectively high in UVB rays stimulates the re-pigmentation of vitiligo patches.

Surgical treatments:

  • Grafts. The doctor removes skin from one area of the patient's body and it is transplanted to the affected area.

Other treatments:

  • Cosmetics that cover the white patches.
  • Phototherapy where skin is exposed to ultraviolet light.

Depigmented skin is at greater risk when exposed to the sun. Apply sunscreen (UVA and UVB ) with a high protection factor.

Active ingredients

- Lactoferrin: Found naturally in milk and mammalian secretions (colostrum , saliva , tears , bronchial secretions, etc . ) . Antioxidant, immunomodulation, increases the absorption of iron.

- L-Phenylalanine: An essential amino acid necessary as a precursor of melanin in the skin melanogenesis . Hypopigmented plaque increases tolerance to sunlight, and helps prevent burns pigmentation. Provides extra protection against radiation and allows a good suntan.

- Borage oil: Rich in linoleic acid (Omega -6) and gamma - linolenic acid (Omega -3 ) . Are precursors of prostaglandins: modulate the inflammatory response.

- L-cystine: Amino acid involved in melanin synthesis. Effective antioxidant.

- Placenta: Re-pigmenting antioxidant promotes melanocyte proliferation, acting on melanin synthesis, modulates tyrosinase activity.

- SOD-catalase system: Protects skin from attack decomposing H2O2 to H2O and O2, prevents lipid peroxidation induced by UV , protect and repair cellular DNA , chelating and antioxidant effects and anti and free radicals.

- Kellina: Active ingredient with a structure similar to the furanocoumarins, chemicals that can cause an increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. Activated by ultraviolet rays and increase the availability of pigment cells in the skin’s surface, thereby stimulating re-pigmentation.

- Tyrosine: Enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of tyrosine necessary for the formation of melanin.

- Vitamin E: Lipo soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties. Synergistic action of vitamins A and C. Prevents the generation of oxidized lipids that propagate oxidizing action, especially in areas where they accumulate sebaceous lipids (which lead to inflammation).

- B - vitamins: folic acid and B12: Water-soluble vitamins that work synergistically. Patients with vitiligo have levels of folic acid and a low level of vitamin B12. Low toxicity.

- Melon Extract: Rich in catalase and superoxide dismutase.

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